
Update 7/23/2024:

We will always remember the lives that were lost on July 31,1976. Please feel free to stop by the memorial on Sunday, or any other time. There will not be an official service on this, the 48th anniversary. We are not sure if there will be a greeter this year either. We will never forget!

Please note: Barbara Anderson, the organizer of many of the wonderful memorial services in the past, has been dealing with health issues the last couple of years and could use your prayers. If you would like to help organize next year’s memorial service, please let us know.

We are striving to keep the serenity, and hold to the highest respect for the victims and their families of the 1976 Big Thompson Flood. The one statement made while searching to find the families for the 25th Memorial was, “I didn’t know anyone cared.” That will forever stay with us. We do care and this is one way of showing it, even years later.

1976 Big Thompson PBS Video

Memorial Service

46th Year Remembrance

The 144 victims who lost their lives in the
Big Thompson Flood of July 31, 1976


We will always remember the lives that were lost on July 31,1976. Please feel free to stop by the memorial on Sunday, or any other time. There will not be an official service on this, the 46th anniversary. We are not sure if there will be a greeter this year either. We will never forget!

Barbara Anderson, the organizer of many of the wonderful memorial services in the past, has been dealing with health issues the last couple of years and could use your prayers. If you would like to help organize next year’s memorial service, please let us know.

Submit Your Story

We want your story

We continue to receive new stories from the night of July 31, 1976, and we would like to hear yours.  Having so many people involved the stories are endless.  You need not have been in the flood that night.  Being a volunteer at the Loveland High School, Van Allen, the Cloverleaf dog track, Interfaith, offered your home, or whatever you did or remember, these are all pieces of the puzzle that will fit together some day.

For instance, Jan Way would like to know who the young fellow was that helped her endlessly at the Loveland High School.  He played some cute tricks on her which helped relieve the stress of the day to day tasks.  If he should read this and say hey that was me, please contact us.  No one knows how many volunteers were there helping.  Everyone was in a state of shock, even the workers.  All of it was to overwhelming to comprehend.  Why would anyone know what they were doing?????

So if you would like to share your story of that night, or what you did, or where you helped, we encourage you to do so.  Time is getting away along with the stories associated with the flood.  Once you have written your story please email it to me Barb Anderson at barbie39btc@yahoo.com or mail it to the

Big Thompson Flood Memorial
125 Grouse Hollow Lane
Loveland, Colorado 80537

Remember to put Flood Story in the Subject Line.  I don’t open them unless I know what they are!!!!!!! Thank you in advance for sharing.

How to Help

How Can You Help?

  1. Buy Books. The proceeds go for the scholarship fund.  Some,  however, does have to go for upkeep, insurance and such on the Memorial.  Any monetary donations will go 100% to the scholarship fund, and is tax deductible. Go to our Books page to order.
  2. Donate. We take check donations. You can make out your tax-deductible donation to Big Thompson Canyon Flood Memorial,  Inc. and mail it to our address:
    Big Thompson Canyon Flood Memorial,  Inc.
    125 Grouse Hollow Lane
    Loveland, Colorado 80537
  3. Submit your story. We want to hear from you and get your story. By connecting together, we heal together.
  4. Join us at the annual Memorial Service to connect with survivors, family, friends, and give/receive many hugs.
  5. Scholarships. Not only do our scholarship donations help, but also sharing our Scholarship opportunity with families of the flood victims is so important. We want to be able to give to the grandchildren and great-grandchildren what those who lost their lives that day couldn’t.

Service Summaries & Updates